Getting Off to a New Start at a New Job

Getting a new job can be an exciting endeavor.  It can also be a little overwhelming.  There are many tips that you can consider to get yourself on the right track. 

Introduce Yourself 

Although you may not want to draw attention to yourself on your first days at a new job, consider finding the right timing to give a quick introduction to people you may have not met.  You want them to know you are excited to be there and that you are enthusiastic about your work.  Also, do your best to remember names and use them to show that you care about them. 

Ask Questions 

New employees do much better when they ask a plethora of questions.  Make sure the questions you are asking are well timed.  Prioritize the information you need and ask for help with immediate needs and wait to talk about goals and ideas until the timing is right.  Write down your questions so you don’t forget when the moment arises.  Have a one-on-one meeting with your supervisor to get your questions answered. 

Seek out a Confidant 

In the workplace, consider having someone you can discuss the business with.  Sit down for lunch or coffee and develop a bond with this individual.  Social ties at work can make you feel more comfortable and let you know what your new workplace will be like.  Learning the ins and outs of your new workplace can help you to fit in and know what to expect. 

Get your Bearings 

Once you start your new position, learn where everything is.  Locate the restrooms and water fountain and determine the closest stairs and exit routes should you have an emergency.  Also, consider different routes to work and different timings to find the best option.  Take a peek around your vicinity to find great lunch places and stores that may be of interest for errands. 

Find Ways to be Helpful 

Watch and see what tasks people perform regularly.  See if you can learn a task and be helpful, like making coffee or adding paper to the copier.  Learn how you can be a helpful teammate.  Never take over someone else’s tasks, but offer to pitch in if you can. 

Get Organized 

As you start to get comfortable, begin organizing your routine.  Decide how you want to organize your calendar and all of your to-do lists.  Set up a schedule that you are comfortable with and get busy. 

Be Humble 

Even if you come into your job with tons of experience, remember that other people are responsible for showing you the ropes at your new job.  Be humble and thank people who are helping you.  You have never done this exact job in this exact setting, so always keep an open mind. 

Challenge Yourself 

No matter what new job you have started, you should always challenge yourself to do your best and be open to learning as much as you can in your new role. 

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