Holiday Stress and Tips

The holidays can be a stressful time for everyone.  Holidays are meant for relaxing and time off, but most of us are at our busiest during this end of the year holiday.  Learning a few tips can be the answer to your anxiety relief.

Take Inventory – All of us would like to be everything to everyone around us every year, but you need to really take stock of what you are capable of doing well each year.  Take a look at yourself and be realistic about what you can handle financially and timewise.   Pace your activities and make sure you don’t overcommit to activities that you can’t keep up with.

Set Boundaries – Holiday time usually means family time.  We all have those family members that we are not especially close with or that we may not even really get along with.  Remember to keep visits short with those who may irritate or push your buttons.  Say no to holiday events that you are not excited about attending and keep some time for yourself during the holidays.

Family Gifts – This can always be a touch subject, because who do you buy presents for and who do you skip?  There are ways to avoid the awkwardness by setting monetary limits, drawing names and limiting presents based on age.  When one of the nephews or nieces turns 21, they enter their name in the drawing and no longer receive presents from extended family.

Limit Partying – Enjoy yourself during the holidays and have a drink or two.  But don’t end up with a hangover that takes you into the new year.  Enjoy yourself and understand your limits when it comes to parties this holiday season.

Manage Stress – Take time for yourself and manage stress as it comes and don’t let it build up and cause a huge breakdown.  Learn what relaxes you and consider incorporating these things into your weeks during the holidays.

Be Aware – The holidays can be very emotional and seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is more likely to occur during the winter months.  Ensure that if you are experiencing depression, you see a therapist and get any help that may be needed.

Give Back – Your holidays are supposed to be more about giving them receiving.  Make sure that you think about others and what they may need for the holidays.  Find a charity, adopt a child for Christmas, donate money, and give your hopes and dreams to others.  This will not only be useful for those in the community, but will also give you a sense of joy as well.

Make Yourself a Priority – The holidays are a time for giving and sharing, but you don’t want to give so much that you end up losing yourself in the mix.  Set clear boundaries with your time and keep lots of time set aside for yourself and some relaxation.  If you aren’t well rested and invigorated, it will lessen the joy of the holidays for yourself and others around you.

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