Tips on Improving your Life

Everyone would love to have an improved life, but the key is in determining how to actually achieve a better life.  You may have grandiose ideas on how to improve your life, but in reality, the small tweaks can be the best way to gradually improve your life for the better.  Small changes can increase productivity and efficiency in your life.

Get Up Earlier

Even if it is just 15 minutes earlier, consider waking up a little before the rest of your family to start your day on a quiet note.  Drink a coffee and plan out your day in silence, before the chaos starts.


We are often overwhelmed about what lies ahead. The key is to plan out your days and take them piece by piece.  Every night, look at the next day and plan accordingly.  Choose one day a week to look at your weekly plans and allow some time to prepare for that week.  Make sure to utilize a to-do list if that helps calm your anxiety of what lies ahead.


We tend to get wrapped up in work and family life and often forget about the need for a social life.  Make sure that you are social at least once per week.  Human connection can keep people happy over the years and solid relationships are an integral part of a happy life.  Reach out to people that fall off of your daily radar and see how their life is going.  Remember that a true friend doesn’t require constant contact, you can touch base every year and still be the best of friends.

Group Tasks

Getting prepared for a task, especially a mundane task, can be the hardest part of the work itself.  If you have to make a few phone calls, do it consecutively.  If you need to go to a few stores, do so in succession to keep the flow going.


Your creative juices are the best in the morning, so reserve this time for your best work.  Leave the afternoon for mundane tasks that do not need any creativity or insight.


Use your vacation days, even if you don’t go anywhere.  By taking time off from work, you will come back refreshed and energized.  You may even recharge your creativity and enthusiasm for the work.  If you consistently work, with no time off, your performance will plummet and so will your happiness.


Remember that distractions are good for a break, but they need to be controlled.  Set goals throughout the day that allow for a break to check email or social media.  Do not check your phone every time it gives a new notification, limit your reactiveness and keep your focus on the task at hand.


One of the most important ways to improve your life is to reflect on what you already have.  Take a moment to write down all of the things you wish you had, that you now do.  Acknowledging goals of finishing high school, college, getting married, having children, traveling, and so much more will show just how far you have come in life.

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