Rebecca Tipton
Hi, my name is Rebecca Tipton, and I am the Waiver Services Director for Myers-Davis Life Coaching. I graduated from Evening Shade High School in 1985. I then attended Arkansas State University.
I began working for North Arkansas Human Services in 1988 as a youth counselor. In 1992, I transferred within the same company and began working at the mental day treatment facility. In 1993, I made another transfer to the Crisis Center facility with the same company. Then in 1995, I took a job with a different company called Network of Community Options (NCO). I worked several different areas while employed with them; Direct Support Professional, Director of New Directions Day Treatment Program, Case Management, Supported Employment, and then finally as a Direct Care Supervisor for the remaining 16 years of my tenure there. From 1998 to 1999, I did have a break in employment from NCO and worked as a house parent for the Arkansas Sheriffs Youth Ranch. Then in 2021, I accepted a position with Myers-Davis to start up the CES Waiver program as the director of the program.