Am I my Brother’s Keeper?

Think of it this way . . .

A long time ago, a fellow who had killed his brother asked, “Am I my brother’s keeper [, ..shepherd, ..supposed to keep tract of wherever he goes]?” What a shameful and defiant response to a loving Father who naturally questioned him about his evil deed. Here, Cain sadly denounces the clamant rights of brotherhood!

Surely, we all know that humans are social creatures; we need each other for loving companionship, to share ideas, and to find strength-in-number, etc. We’re not supposed to go around envying and hating – abusing and killing (including things like ‘back-stabbing’, destroying reputations, or refusing to help a neighbor in need). When someone allows themselves to be overwhelmed with envy and hatred, they may follow in the footsteps of Cain

If we are to be our brother’s-keeper we need to be willing to really KEEP him. How? Isn’t it a lot like practicing the Golden Rule? Why can’t we just be nice. And I would sure like to see it begin with our political leaders (How about you?). Paul Wellstone states it this way:

“Our politics are our deepest form of expression: They mirror our past experiences and reflect our dreams and aspirations for the future.”

“Mirror our aspirations for the future”?? God help us! Where are all the well-mannered gentlemen? What happened to heartfelt civility, dignity and caring con-cern for others? Does it matter that “together we stand, divided we fall?”

“The tragedy of life is in what dies inside a man while he lives – the death of genuine feeling, the death of inspired response, the awareness that makes it possible to feel the pain or the glory of other men in yourself.” – Norman Cousins

John D.

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