Think of it this way. . .                            

          Bad stuff happens in your world and mine – perplexing ideas are presented, contrary words are spoken and crazy, challenging events take place. As soon as it happens, we immediately begin thinking of how we feel about it. We set our mind to work, seeking a better understanding of it, to fix the problem, or to get at the truth. We’ve been presented a moment of confusion and we’re forced to face it and to THINK about it (Ouch!).

          If/when some mean happenstance causes you to stop and step back in your set routine of life, whether of your own doing or another’s, it need not be a complete hold back. A step back (or set back if you prefer), is only temporary; hold back sounds more permanent. So, think of a temporary setback as just another opportunity for a stronger come back thinking of it that way shows that failure is not final.

          When we look at an attack by others or our own failing as simply a stumble or snag and just part of our continuing education, then we can actually use the energy to keep on trying in our efforts to succeed. Remember, too, that a mere stumble may save you from a total fall and that our self-thoughts are just as important as our self-talk (probably more so). Like, “I can do this.”

 [Can’t succumbs, but Trying triumphs!]

Perseverance it not a long race; it is many short races one after another.”  -Walter Elliot

“So, refuse to buy into the lie that your ‘Wasteland’ is too hard. It’s not too hard. It’s not too long. Your tests in the desert are the best answer to one of your deepest desires and prayers: ‘Please make me into the person I need to be to do the dream you have created me too!’ – Bruce Wilkinson, The Dream Giver –  Multnomah Publishers                                                                              

-John D.

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