Self-Care: Tips for Health and Wellbeing

By Jeanni Brosius

What is selfcare and why is it important? Improving physical and mental health, lowering stress and increasing joy are some ways to practice self-care. By doing little things to improve your wellbeing, it can help improve your personal and professional life as well as your mental health.

A few ways of practicing selfcare could be:


Getting a goodnight’s sleep is so important to maintain good physical and mental health. It is a time when the body can rebuild itself. Getting enough sleep helps reduce stress and improve your mood. If you’re having trouble sleeping, consider the following:

  • Soak in a warm bath with two cups of Epsom salt for at least 20 minutes.
  • Drink a warm cup of chamomile or lavender tea.
  • Use lavender pillow spray on your pillow.
  • Turn off all electronics 30-60 minutes before sleep.
  • Set an alarm for the same time each morning to help establish a pattern.


Maintaining healthy eating habits is also very vital to wellness. Although indulging in the occasional fast-food meal or slice of chocolate cake can be satisfying, it’s important to make most meals balanced and nutritious. If you have specific dietary needs, discuss your food choices with your doctor.

  • Talk with your doctor or nutritionist about establishing a healthful eating plan that suits your lifestyle and dietary needs.
  • Eat foods that can help reduce inflammation in your body and increase energy levels.
  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
  • Talk with your doctor if certain foods seem to be causing you discomfort.


Although, meditation may seem difficult to squeeze into a busy schedule, it can help you experience less stress from the day. Many things during a normal day can cause stress, whether it’s work, children or other interactions. Taking a small break from these things, even if it’s just for a couple of minutes. Here are some simple meditation techniques for beginners:

  • Find a comfortable position, either sitting or lying.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Focus your attention on your breath.
  • Notice when you inhale and exhale, listen and focus on the movement of your body as you breathe.

Even if you only have five minutes to close your eyes and focus on your breath, it will make a difference. Take about 8-10 seconds from inhale to exhale and focus on how your chest moves with each breath.


Asking for help isn’t always easy, but self-care is not about doing everything by yourself. Sometimes asking for help can alleviate a lot of stress and help you accomplish much more. Consider your tasks and determine if someone could help you with them. It could be a therapist, a life coach or a friend who could help you make life-altering decisions. It could be a professional, friend or relative who could help with household repairs or cleaning. Of if it is regarding wellness, ask advice from a healthcare professional. Even at work, consider delegating some tasks or asking for assistance. Sometimes knowing you’re not alone in whatever situation you’re in can help lower stress levels. This is also a from of self-care.

Learn more about self-care methods and how a life coach could help you lower your stress and maintain mental health and wellness, contact  Myers Davis Life Coaching at (870) 569-1052 or to set up a consultation.

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