Know Your Human Rights

Everyone on Earth (including people with IDD) is entitled to basic human rights as well as civil rights provided by their country of residence. Human rights are standards that recognize and protect the dignity of all human beings. People with IDD have the right to share in the benefits and riches of society and the world. They also have the right to make their own contributions to their communities and society. Yet today, and historically, the human and civil rights of people with IDD have been unjustifiably denied or limited. Myers-Davis Life Coaching has a commitment to respect, promote, and protect human rights.

What are human rights? Human rights are the most fundamental rights that every person can have simply by existing as human being. Human rights belong to every individual person, regardless of any possible discriminatory factor. These rights can include (but are not limited to): the right to communicate, the right to work, the right to own property, the right to religion, and the right to marry (for people of full age).

What is a rights restriction? A restriction means placing a limitation on an individual’s rights due to a specific assessed need. Restricting a person’s human rights can have a huge negative impact on that person’s life. Human rights are indivisible in nature, meaning that they are all inter-connected or related to each other. Therefore, if you take one right away, the rest of them will suffer.

Human rights are just simply important. Do you know what your human rights are? If not, here is a great resource to get you started.

Know Your Rights Video Series from the Self-Determination Channel on YouTube. Link here: Know Your Rights Video Series – YouTube

Human rights are just simply important. Do you know what your human rights are? If not, here is a great resource to get you started.

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