Inspired to Strive

     What stimulates your “get-up-and-go?”  Can you operate at 100%, 100% of the time? Most, if not all, cannot. An artist may be inspired to produce an outstanding painting, sculpture, piece of music, or literary work at some time or another, but is it possible to be steadily and constantly inspired 24/7? I doubt it. Perhaps, though, there are things that we can try when we succumb to “writer’s block” or “hit the wall” in some other endeavor; something like reading or hearing a few stimulating words…   like:

    “I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life in three words – it goes on.”

    “7 Rules of Life:

     1 Let it go – make peace with your past so it doesn’t spoil your present.

     2 Ignore them – what others think of you is none of your concern.

     3 Give it time – time heals almost everything.

     4 Don’t compare – you have no idea what others are dealing with.

     5 Stay calm – God’s always watching over you.

     6 It’s on you – only you oversee your happiness.

     7 Smile – we may suffer now, but it can’t compare to the glory He’ll soon reveal.

     “Everything you go through, grows you.” 

     “Once in your life you’ll come across a special person that makes you happy, supports you, and makes you a better person. Don’t let them go!”

     “Life has taught me to never expect anything from anyone…except God.”

     Come up with or create some stimulating quips or quotes of your own and read them when you feel the need; then concentrate on (memorize?) the ones that mean more to you right now. Think of noble and worthy things (the power for positive thinking).

-John Driggers (11/27/2023, V5 #48)

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