How to Behave in a Way You are Proud Of

Behavior is defined as a way one acts or conducts themselves, especially regarding other people.  As you go through life, you will start to learn who you are and who you aspire to be.  Building yourself into the person you desire is very difficult and requires a lot of self-exploration.  You must believe in yourself and that your journey will be successful.


Be true to yourself and realize if you are not honest, this version of yourself will never come to fruition.  Be honest about what your passions are and don’t let anyone change your true vision, which may not always be the most fruitful or popular decision.


Your dreams must have a true vision.  Keep your vision within reach and give yourself milestones to motivate you along the way.  If you don’t show bits of success in your future, you may decide to give up on your true dreams.

Don’t Give Up

Life will always send roadblocks to stop you in your tracks, but you need to find a way to get back on track and keep going in the direction you have mapped out for yourself.  Everything you need to reach your goals is inside you and you have the ability to succeed, regardless of what life has thrown your way.

Don’t Settle

Many people will settle for way less than they deserve.  If there are people in your life that don’t support your goals, consider minimizing contact with them.  If they are family, you can always love them from afar and minimize conversation and contact until you feel confident in your goals.


Make sure to learn something new every day.  Make it your life goal to see things from a different perspective and think about new ideas, languages, words, and skills.  Learning something new gives your life a richness that will help you on your journey to self-discovery.


We often feel like we need more in life and we forget to be thankful for all we have.  Every night, you should practice gratitude and think of three things that you are truly thankful for.  Big events should be written down and kept for days when you are feeling low to reflect on all of the good in your life.   This will help get toxicity out of your life.


Find things that bring you happiness and do them.  Sometimes, being around positive people can lift your spirits, other times it is an event or even music.  Whatever your happy place is, go there and be there frequently to keep your life going on a positive track.

Enjoy Time

Obviously, there are certain time limits to some aspects of your life, but make sure to not set time limits to meet hypothetical thresholds.  Make sure that you embrace the time you have on earth and relish the time you have with others.  There are times to act on things or lose opportunities and there are times when you should just remain still.

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