

Top Tips for Studying

Now that school is back in session, studying is about to become a necessity.  Some of us are already out of school, but we may need to study for a

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Learning Good Study Habits

Studying habits are learned and can always be perfected.  It is necessary to have a system to help you do your best and use your time wisely.  All of us

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Vaccines and your Health

Those that grew up in the 1900’s, were not as privileged as our generation with the vaccinations we now have.  A vaccination can keep entire populations from obtaining disease that

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Vitamin D and your Health

Vitamin D is a very necessary component of life.  Vitamin D is not actually a vitamin, but a prohormone or precursor to a hormone.  Vitamins cannot be made by the

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Tips for Getting Organized

Organization is a wonderful way to get things in order and to save time and energy, by having things in a particular space.  There are so many ways you can

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Multi-tasking Tips

Life is full of daily tasks and they rarely occur at distinct intervals.  The tasks in your life will often occur at the same time and cause you to choose

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How to Improve Yourself

It is a new year and hopefully a new and improved you.  We should all strive to be our best versions of ourselves.  We must continue to chose to improve

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Personal Development Tips

Comparing yourself to others will never satisfy.  Always compare yourself to what you were like yesterday.  Life is about becoming the best version of yourself and the fact that you

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